Tenable OT Security 2023 版本说明
Tenable OT Security 3.17.24 (2023-10-18)
Tenable One 集成
您可以将 Tenable OT Security (OT Security) 与 Tenable One 集成。集成后,OT Security 可以将资产和风险评分数据发送到 Tenable One。要与 Tenable One集成,您必须在 Tenable Vulnerability Management 中生成链接密钥并在 OT Security 中提供。有关更多信息,请参阅“与 Tenable One 集成”。
Tenable.ot 现在变为 OT Security。
升级至 Tenable Nessus Network Monitor 6.2.3
OT Security 现在支持 Tenable Nessus Network Monitor 6.2.3。
升级到 3.17 后,您可能仍会看到 Tenable.ot 徽标,而不是 OT Security。
Tenable OT Security 3.16.55 (2023-07-25)
包含对 Schneider Electric 的 AS-P (SmartX) 控制器的被动检测支持。
BACnet 客户端改进,优化与建筑管理系统 (BMS) 相关的设备检测。因此借助 BACnet 标识查询,BMS 设备的可见性可得到显着提高。
包括用于解析常见 SNMP 对象 ID 和指纹识别设备的被动 SNMP 支持。
OT Security 现在包含更多可在精细级别控制主动查询的选项。
完成在 OT Security 中对管理主动查询的彻底检查和重新设计。
能够按照特定计划,创建针对特定资产组的特定 IT 或 OT 查询。
在单个页面上包含所有可配置的 OT Security 查询。OT Security 在“主动查询”页面的“查询管理”表中显示所有查询。
SNMP 可见性彻底检查
您现在可以通过自定义的方式从支持 SNMP 的联网设备中收集无限多的详细信息。
OT Security 现在可被动检测 SNMPv1、SNMPv2 和 SNMPv2c 的 SNMP 详细信息。
允许自定义所有设备在主动查询中使用的 SNMP OID,以包含新的自定义 OID。
包括可扩展配置,用于将自定义的 SNMP 查询映射到名称和 OID。
OT Security 传感器现在直接从 OT Security 接收更新。
OT Security 现在会通过站点 (ICP) 向所有链接的传感器分发 OT Security 传感器或内核/OS 更新。
您现在可以使用 OT Security 界面中的“传感器”选项卡以启动传感器更新。如要启动更新,右键点击 OT Security 传感器 并选择“升级”。
注意:此远程更新功能需要成对(经过身份验证)且运行 3.16 或更高版本系统的 Tenable OT 传感器。
OT Security 现在可让您在需要凭据的情况下配置设备凭据。
OT Security 现在包括用于管理凭据的“凭据”页面。只有管理员和主管可以编辑此页面。
您现在可以添加、删除和编辑 IT 和 OT 类型凭据。
OT Security 现在包括这些新的凭据类型:
SEL (Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories)
Siemens SICAM
《OT Security 用户指南》现在以基于 HTML 的格式提供,以便用户更轻松地共享和导航文档。参阅 OT Security 文档。
您现在可以在没有社区登录帐户的情况下下载和访问 OT Security 文档。
OT Security 3.11 及更高版本可直接升级到 OT Security 3.16 版。
从此版本起,您可以将所有 3.11 及更高版本直接升级到最新的 OT Security 版本。
OT Security 现在显示产品内每次点击的插件输出。
OT Security 现在针对 OT 插件显示更好、更具描述性的解决方案。
OT Security 漏洞检查现在涵盖了更多设备系列。
磁盘空间 — OT Security 现在会在 /opt 磁盘分区的空间不足时发送通知。这有助于防止发生因消耗所有可用磁盘空间而造成产品稳定性问题的情况。
Syslog“心跳”功能 — 若配置为通过 Syslog 发送系统日志, OT Security 会将“心跳”Syslog 消息传输到 SIEM,以便更好地监控 OT Security 的运行时间。
API 测试接口 :GraphQL Playground 是用于测试 API 请求的图形接口。默认情况下被禁用。此 API Playground 对于在浏览器内测试集成或自定义 API 请求非常有用。OT Security 现在包含用于启用或禁用 GraphQL Playground 的设置切换开关。有关如何设置和使用 GraphQL Playground 的更多信息,请访问:https://developer.tenable.com/docs/ot-graphiql-playground。
更轻松的访问 — OT Security 现在不再限制您一次只能在一个网络或地址上访问 OT Security 界面。您现在可以从所有已配置的网络接口访问 OT Security 界面 (:443)。
插件和 Nessus
OT Security 现在显示关于 OT Security 插件的更详细的解决方案。
当未扫描所有适用目标时,Tenable Nessus 扫描现在会产生错误。
OT Security 现在包括默认启用所有插件的“高级扫描”,该行为与扫描创建期间 Tenable Nessus 界面的行为相同。
OT Security 现在包含一个 IDS 策略和规则群组,以响应最近的 Rockwell ControlLogix 公告。
Enterprise Manager 许可证
Enterprise Manager (EM) 现在需要产品内提供的许可证代码才能激活控制台。如果您还没有 EM 的激活代码,请联系您的 Customer Success Manager。
Tenable 软件更新
OT Security 现在包括 Tenable Nessus 和 Tenable Nessus Network Monitor (NNM) 的所有最新全面公开发行版本 (NNM)。
OT Security 现在支持多个身份验证服务器。如果您在整个组织中使用多种 SSO 或 LDAP 服务,这会为您提供很大帮助。
DNS 配置变更
现已从 OT Security 应用程序中删除 DNS 服务器配置。您现在必须只在“网络”下的“Tenable Core”中配置 DNS。
OT Security 现在能识别以下新漏洞:
供应商 | 系列/型号 | 插件 ID |
Honeywell | Experion PKS C200、C200E、C300 和 ACE | 500790-500792 |
Schneider | Modicon、Smartx (AS-P)、Powerlogic、Controllogix、wiser_smart、 | 500793, 500844, 500848-500864, 500866-500871, 500873, 500875, 500879-500880, 500882, 500906-500908, 500910, 500912, 500915, 500918-500919, 500923, 500925, 501143-501144, 501167 |
Mitsubishi | gt25、gt27、Melsec | 500794-500799, 500837,500885, 500897, 501166 |
Wago | PFC、750 | 500800-500836, 500872, 500876-500878, 500881, 500909, 500911, 500913-500914, 500916-500917, 500920-500922, 500924, 500926, 501165 |
Siemens | Scalance、Sicam、SIPROTEC、Simatic | 500838-500843, 500845-500847, 500874,500884, 500886, 500898-500903, 500968-501064, 501067, 501069-501078, 501080-501110, 501114-501126, 501135-501142, 501154 |
ABB | Relion、rex、pni、spiet、pm | 500883, 500927-500950, 500967, 501068, 501111-501113, 501127-501134 |
Tridium | Niagara | 500887-500896 |
Rockwell | 1700、armorstart | 500904-500905, 501155-501164 |
Automated Logic Corporation | Vertiv、CarrierCorporation | 500951-500966 |
Fanuc Robotics | 30i | 501065-501066 |
PhoenixContact | smartrtu | 501079 |
SEL | 501145-501146 | |
Omron | NJ、NX | 501147-501153 |
供应商 | 产品 |
Rockwell | DriveLogix |
Rockwell | ArmorStart |
Siemens | SCALANCE XM-416 |
Eaton | 9PX |
Siemens | SicamA8000CP803 |
ABB | Symphony Plus |
Siemens | SICAM P850/P855 |
Siemens | SICAM A8000 CP-803x |
Mitsubishi | MELSEC iQ-F |
WAGO | Edge Controller 752-8303 |
Siemens | SICAM Q100/Q200 |
ABB | M2M Ethernet |
Vertiv | Liebert SiteScan |
Automated Logic | WebCTRL |
Rockwell |
GuardLogix 5380 GuardLogix 5560 GuardLogix 5580 |
运营商 | i-Vu |
Siemens |
Rockwell | Micro870 |
WAGO | PFC100/PFC200 |
Schneider | Wiser Smart |
扫描创建期间筛选 Nessus 插件系列时存在一个问题。应用插件系列筛选条件返回了异常结果。
有关 API 的更多信息,请参阅 OT Security API 文档。
Type AllOpType was removed
Field canQueryArp was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryBackplane was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryCharacteristics was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryDns was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryIdentification was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryNbStat was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryNessus was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryNessusAdvanced was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryNessusAdvanced2 was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryOs was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryRunStatus was removed from object type Asset
Field canQuerySnmp was removed from object type Asset
Field canQueryWmiUsb was removed from object type Asset
Field canSnapshot was removed from object type Asset
Type AssetOpType was removed
Field testOsScan was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAbbNcDiscovery was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAll was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAllBackplaneScan was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAllCharacteristics was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAllNbStat was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAllOsScan was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAllRunStatus was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAllSnapshot was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAllSnmp was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAllWmiUsbScan was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerArp was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAssetArps was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAssetNames was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAssetOsScan was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerAssetWmiUsbScan was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerBackplaneScan was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerBacnetDiscovery was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerBeckhoffDiscovery was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerCharacteristics was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerCipDiscovery was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerCognexDiscovery was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerDcpDiscovery was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerFteDiscovery was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerICSDiscovery was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerIdentification was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerMelsecDiscovery was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerName was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerNbStat was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerOpOnAsset was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerOpOnNetworkInterface was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerRunStatus was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerSnapshot was removed from object type Mutation
Field triggerSnmp was removed from object type Mutation
Type GroupedScanQueries was removed
Type NetworkInterfaceOpType was removed
Enum value ForceActiveQueries was added to enum Capability
Enum value ReadActiveQueries was added to enum Capability
Enum value WriteActiveQueries was added to enum Capability
Enum value IcsDiscovery was added to enum FirewallOpType
Enum value InactiveAssetProbe was added to enum FirewallOpType
Field groupedScanQueries was removed from object type Query
Argument force: Boolean added to field Mutation.nessusUserScanAction
Enum value SNMP_TRAP was added to enum ProtocolType
Type ActiveQueriesBlackoutFlag was added
Type ActiveQueriesGlobalConfigs was added
Type ActiveQueriesOpType was added
Type ActiveQuery was added
Type ActiveQueryBase was added
Type ActiveQueryConnection was added
Type ActiveQueryEdge was added
Field canRunActiveQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field checkForSensorUpdates was added to object type Mutation
Field createActiveQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field createAssetDiscoveryQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field createInactiveProbingQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field createPortScanQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field deleteActiveQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field deleteCredentials was added to object type Mutation
Field disableActiveQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field disableBlackoutPeriod was added to object type Mutation
Field editActiveQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field editAssetDiscoveryQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field editInactiveProbingQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field editPortScanQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field activeQueriesBlackoutPeriod was added to object type FlagList
Type AssetDiscovery was added
Type AssetDiscoveryOptionsParams was added
Field queries was added to object type AssetFunction
Field queries was added to interface AssetGroup
Field queries was added to object type AssetList
Field queries was added to object type AssetTypeFamilyGroup
Type DiscoveryQueryTypes was added
Type InactiveProbing was added
Type InactiveProbingOptionsParams was added
Field queries was added to object type IpList
Field queries was added to object type IpRange
Type ItQueryTypes was added
Type MappingRate was added
Field enableActiveQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field runActiveQuery was added to object type Mutation
Field setActiveQueriesConfigs was added to object type Mutation
Field stopActiveQuery was added to object type Mutation
Type OtQueryTypes was added
Type PauseBetweenProbesOptions was added
Type PortScan was added
Type PortScanOptionsParams was added
Type QueriesCategory was added
Field activeQueries was added to object type Query
Field activeQueriesConfigs was added to object type Query
Field activeQuery was added to object type Query
Field activeQueryOps was added to object type Query
Field getDiscoveryEstimation was added to object type Query
Type QueryExecutionAvailability was added
Type QueryExecutionAvailabilityConnection was added
Type QueryExecutionAvailabilityEdge was added
Type QueryStatus was added
Type QueryTrigger was added
Field queries was added to object type SegmentGroup
Field setSshUserInfo was removed from object type Mutation
Field setWmiUserInfo was removed from object type Mutation
Field getSshUserName was removed from object type Query
Field getWmiUserName was removed from object type Query
Type SSHUserInfo was removed
Type WMIUserInfo was removed
Enum value Credentials was added to enum Capability
Type BasicCredentials was added
Type BasicCredentialsTypes was added
Type CredentialSchemaType was added
Type Credentials was added
Type CredentialsCategory was added
Type CredentialsConnection was added
Type CredentialsEdge was added
Type CredentialsLimitExceeded was added
Type CredentialsLimitExceededConnection was added
Type CredentialsLimitExceededEdge was added
Type CredentialsType was added
Field addBasicCredentials was added to object type Mutation
Field addPasswordOnlyCredentials was added to object type Mutation
Field addSnmpV2Credentials was added to object type Mutation
Field addSnmpV3Credentials was added to object type Mutation
Field setBasicCredentials was added to object type Mutation
Field setPasswordOnlyCredentials was added to object type Mutation
Field setSnmpV2Credentials was added to object type Mutation
Field setSnmpV3Credentials was added to object type Mutation
Field testAdHocBasicCredentials was added to object type Mutation
Field testAdHocPasswordOnlyCredentials was added to object type Mutation
Field testAdHocSnmpV2Credentials was added to object type Mutation
Field testAdHocSnmpV3Credentials was added to object type Mutation
Field testCredentials was added to object type Mutation
Type PasswordOnlyCredentials was added
Type PasswordOnlyCredentialsTypes was added
Field credentialsLimitExceeded was added to object type Query
Field credentialsList was added to object type Query
Field credentialsSpecific was added to object type Query
Type SnmpV2Credentials was added
Type SnmpV2CredentialsTypes was added
Type SnmpV3AuthProtocol was added
Type SnmpV3Credentials was added
Type SnmpV3CredentialsTypes was added
Type SnmpV3PrivProtocol was added
Type SnmpV3SecurityLevel was added
Type CheckpointClient was removed
Type CheckpointClientConnection was removed
Type CheckpointClientEdge was removed
Field deleteCheckpointSharedKey was removed from object type Mutation
Field setCheckpointSharedKey was removed from object type Mutation
Field checkpointClients was removed from object type Query
已从用户界面删除 DNS 配置:
Field DNSConf was removed from object type Config
Type DnsConf was removed
Type DnsConfType was removed
Argument keepAlive: Boolean added to field Mutation.newSyslogServer
Argument keepAlive: Boolean added to field Mutation.setSyslogServer
Argument keepAlive: Boolean added to field Mutation.testAdHocSyslogServer
Field keepAlive was added to object type SyslogServer
Enum value SensorUpdatesAvailable was added to enum RemovableFlags
Enum value SoftLimit was added to enum RemovableFlags
Enum value Updating was added to enum SensorStatus
Field updateSensor was added to object type Mutation
Field sensorUpdatesAvailable was added to object type FlagList
Field lastCheckForUpdates was added to object type SensorDetails
Field stockdogUpdateExists was added to object type SensorDetails
Field systemUpdatesExist was added to object type SensorDetails
Field updatableSensor was added to object type SensorDetails
Type UpdatableStatus was added
Field assetHits was added to object type Plugin
Type PluginHit was added
Type PluginHitConnection was added
Type PluginHitEdge was added
Field Risk.pluginHits description changed from Number of plugin hits to Number of plugins that have hits on the asset
Field Risk.pluginHits is deprecated
Field Risk.pluginHits has deprecation reason Use pluginCount instead
Field pluginCount was added to object type Risk
Field pluginHits was added to object type Asset
Enum value SMARTX was added to enum ProtocolSuperType
Enum value SMARTX was added to enum ProtocolType
Argument UIHosts: [String!] added to field Mutation.changeConfiguration
Type ConcurentWorkersOptions was added
Field UIHosts was added to object type Config
Type EmLicenseDetails was added
Type EmLicenseInfo was added
Type EmSystemInfo was added
Field dnsChange was added to object type FlagList
Field graphQLToggle was added to object type FlagList
Field hardLimit was added to object type FlagList
Field softLimit was added to object type FlagList
Field emActivateLicense was added to object type Mutation
Field emSetSystemTime was added to object type Mutation
Field Mutation.setPassword description changed from Change user password to Change the logged-in (your own) users password (only for local users)'
Field Mutation.setUserPassword description changed from Sets password of a user (by admin only) to Sets password of another user (admin only), to reset the logged-in user, use setPassword''
Field emSystemInfo was added to object type Query
Field assetCategory was added to object type Query
Field Subscription.assetCategory description changed from Get updates on current count of assets for each category to Get updates on current count of assets for each category (empty categories are omitted)
文件名和 MD5 或 SHA-256 校验已发布在“OT Security 下载”页面。
Tenable OT Security 3.15.42 SP (2023-04-24)
如果您通过传感器使用拆分端口配置或主动查询,OT Security 建议您升级到此版本。
OT Security 3.15.42 SP 包括以下缺陷修复内容:
缺陷修复 |
通过扫描器进行 Nessus 扫描:Nessus Active Query 现在可通过扫描器路由发送流量。 |
拆分端口中的 Nessus 扫描:Nessus 扫描现在可在拆分端口模式下工作 (SFDC #01566712)。 |
LDAP 设置:解决了创建新 LDAP 身份验证服务器(本地设置 > 用户和角色 > 身份验证服务器 > LDAP)时用户界面中的问题。 |
Tenable OT Security 3.15.39 SP (2023-02-24)
Phoenix Contact 的基本被动和主动支持:OT Security 现在可被动和主动识别 Phoenix Contact (PCWorx 和 ProConOS 协议)的设备型号、系列、类型和固件版本。此支持功能也有助于检测其漏洞。
对 Profinet CM (Context Manager) 的基本被动和主动支持:OT Security 现在可被动和主动识别设备固件版本、硬件版本、定单号和类型。
Rockwell ControlLogix L8X 和 CompactLogix 538X 系列的快照:OT Security 现在可为属于 L8X 和 538X 系列的 Rockwell 控制器拍摄快照。
能够将 Siemens S7-300 和 S7-400 与 FW 2.6.7 及更早版本合并。此功能默认为禁用状态,且仅可通过 API 启用。
S7+ 查询机制增强。
OT Security 现在能识别以下新漏洞:
供应商 | 系列/型号 | 插件 ID |
Siemens | Scalance | 500788-500789, 500786, 500781-500783, 500778, 500772-500773, 500768, 500766, 500764, 500762, 500755-500760, 500749-500753, 500746, 500740-500742, 500735-500738, 500729 |
Siemens | Desigo | 500787, 500785, 500779, 500776-500777, 500774, 500771, 500769, 500767, 500761, 500747, 500743-500745, 500735, 500730-500731 |
Siemens | Apogee | 500748 |
Phoenix Contact | ILC、RFC、AXC、S_MAX | 500784, 500780, 500775, 500770, 500765, 500763, 500754, 500739, 500732-500733, 500728 |
用户定义的 Nessus 扫描
Nessus 扫描现在可通过专用页面使用,用户可以管理扫描,并获得一定可见性和灵活性:
管理:您现在可以创建、编辑、删除、保存和运行自定义 Nessus 扫描。
灵活性:现在您可以通过 IP 范围选择扫描多种网络资产(端点类型除外)。
IDS 引擎规则集更新
OT Security 中现在提供新的 IDS 规则集订阅源。现在,最新的 IDS 集可通过两种方式获得并随时安装:
云更新:对于连接到互联网的系统,IDS 规则会定期自动下载。您也可根据需要启动此更新。
离线更新:您也可以通过用户界面向系统上传包含 IDS 规则的文件。可以从 OT Security 获得该文件的 URL。
现在可在 OT Security 中使用夜间模式。它可让您将 OT Security 的颜色方案切换为更暗的主题,以便在光线弱的环境中提供更舒适的查看体验,并可能节约设备的电量。
您现在可以按需将仪表盘以 PDF 文件格式导出。如果在启用夜间模式的情况下导出仪表盘,OT Security 也将以夜间模式格式生成导出的文件。
在此页面上,您现在可以根据组织中使用的身份验证方法定义、保存和启用多个服务器:Active Directory 和 LDAP。
单一资产页面中的“已打开的端口”表现在显示被识别为已打开的所有端口。其中包括当前的主动端口扫描和被动对话、主动查询、Tenable Nessus 和 Tenable Nessus Network Monitor。
OT Security 现在收集 UI 数据的目的是学习和更好地了解、满足用户需求。
此功能启用时(默认启用),Tenable 会收集无法归属于特定个人的遥测信息;仅在公司级别收集。
传感器:来自 Cockpit UI 的 BPF
现在可在 Cockpit UI 中查看和使用传感器 BPF。
传感器现在对经身份验证的传感器使用专用端口 (28304),而不是 V3.14 中使用的 SSH 端口 (22)。
未经身份验证的传感器保留在端口 28303 中。
ICP V3.15 现在同时监听 22 和 28304 端口。
OT Security 现在可识别以下新设备类型:
类别 | 新类型 |
控制器 | BMS 控制器 |
控制器 | 背板模块 |
控制器 | 机器人 |
服务器 | 安全设备 |
服务器 | Tenable EM |
服务器 | Tenable ICP |
服务器 | Tenable 传感器 |
HTTP/HTTPS 标题栏抓取功能增强
自 3.15 版起,OT Security 添加了多项针对 HTTP/HTTPS 标题栏抓取功能的增强,例如查询用于收集标题栏的更多端口号、解析 HTTPS 证书等。
IP 地址的自定义范围筛选器
您现在可以根据特定的 IP 地址范围筛选特定范围的资产的清单表。
EM - 系统日志
您现在可以在“本地设置”菜单下查看 Enterprise Manager (EM) 系统日志。
EM - 恢复出厂设置
在 Enterprise Manager (EM) 上,您(管理员)现在可以在计算机上执行出厂重置并将其恢复为初始和默认配置。
有关 API 的更多信息,请参阅 OT Security API 文档。
API 重大变更(删除 ServiceNow):
Enum value ServiceNow was removed from enum ActionType
Member ServiceNowServer was removed from Union type ActionUnion
Field serviceNowServers was removed from object type Integration
Field archiveServiceNowServer was removed from object type Mutation
Argument servicenowActions: [ID!] was removed from field Mutation.editPolicies
Field newServiceNowServer was removed from object type Mutation
Field setServiceNowServer was removed from object type Mutation
Field testAdHocServiceNowServer was removed from object type Mutation
Field testServiceNowServer was removed from object type Mutation
Field serviceNowServer was removed from object type Query
Field serviceNowServers was removed from object type Query
Type ServiceNowServer was removed
Type ServiceNowServerConnection was removed
Type ServiceNowServerEdge was removed
API 添加项:
Enum value extendedRunStatus was added to enum AssetField
Enum values BackplaneModule, Bms, Robot, TenableEm, TenableIcp, TenableSensor were added to enum AssetType
Enum values InvalidFile, Unchanged were added to enum CannotUpdatePluginSetReason Enum values NessusUserScan, ReadUpdates, WriteUpdates were added to enum Capability Enum value extendedRunStatus was added to enum LinkField
Enum value PHOENIX_CONTACT, PROFINET_CM were added to enum ProtocolSuperType
Enum value PC_WORX, PROCONOS, PROFINET_CM were added to enum ProtocolType
Enum values BackplaneModule, Bms, Robot, TenableEm, TenableIcp, TenableSensor were added to enum UserDefinedAssetType
Input fields bindDn, bindPw, domainAppend, groupBaseDn, host, port, userBaseDn were added to input object type ProviderOptionsParams
Field APIKey.groups has description this property is always empty
Field APIKey.groups is deprecated
Field APIKey.groups has deprecation reason deprecated since 3.10 (RBAC), groups are determined by the attached User
Field AdProviderOptions.rootCa changed type from String to String!
Field extendedRunStatus was added to object type Asset
Field compressionInProgress was added to object type BackupDetails
Fields lastModifiedBy, lastModifiedDate were added to objects ActivityPolicy, AssetGroup, AssetFunction, AssetList, AssetPolicy, AssetTypeFamilyGroup, EmailGroup, IDSGeneralPolicy, IDSSrcDstPolicy, IntrusionPolicy, IpList, IpRange, NetworkPolicy, Policy, PortGroup, PortPolicy, ProtocolGroup, RecurringGroup, RuleGroup, ScheduleFunction, ScheduleGroup, SegmentGroup, TagGroup, TagValuePolicy, TimeInterval
Type CanUpdateSuricataRuleSet was added
Enum value CannotUpdatePluginSetReason.PluginSetUnchanged was deprecated with reason this value will change in the future to Unchanged, so always check for both
Type CannotUpdateSuricataRulesReason was added
Field backupCompression was added to object type FlagList
Type LdapProviderOptions was added
Type LdapProviderOptionsConnection was added
Type LdapProviderOptionsEdge was added
Field extendedRunStatus was added to object type LeanAsset
Field deleteNessusUserScan was added to object type Mutation
Field editNessusUserScan was added to object type Mutation
Field nessusUserScanAction was added to object type Mutation
Field newNessusUserScan was added to object type Mutation
Field updateSuricataRuleSet was added to object type Mutation
Type NessusUserScan was added
Type NessusUserScanConnection was added
Type NessusUserScanEdge was added
Field source was added to object type OpenPorts
Type OpenPortsSource was added
Field Plugin.id has description Plugin ID
Field Plugin.name has description Name
Field PluginDetails.cpe is deprecated
Field PluginDetails.cpe has deprecation reason please use cpes, this should be plural
Field cpes was added to object type PluginDetails
Field cves was added to object type PluginDetails
Type PluginFamily was added
Type PluginFamilyArgs was added
Type PluginFamilyConnection was added
Type PluginFamilyCount was added
Type PluginFamilyCountConnection was added
Type PluginFamilyCountEdge was added
Type PluginFamilyEdge was added
Type PluginsBasic was added
Type PluginsBasicConnection was added
Type PluginsBasicEdge was added
Type PluginsIndividualArgs was added
Type PluginsOfFamily was added
Field canOfflineUpdateSuricataRuleSet was added to object type Query
Field canOnlineUpdateSuricataRuleSet was added to object type Query
Field ldapAuthProviders was added to object type Query
Field nessusUserScan was added to object type Query
Field nessusUserScans was added to object type Query
Field pluginFamilies was added to object type Query
Field pluginsOfFamily was added to object type Query
Field suricataRuleSetDownloadUrl was added to object type Query
Field suricataRuleSetInfo was added to object type Query
Type ScanAction was added
Type SelectionStatus was added
Object type Subscription has description WARNING: Experimental feature! This can change without a warning
Type SuricataRuleSetDownloadUrl was added
Type SuricataRuleSetInfo was added
Object type Time has description The `Time` scalar type represents date and time values as specified by [RFC3339](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc3339.html).
Type UpdateResult was added
Type UserScanStatus was added
文件名和 MD5 或 SHA-256 校验已发布在“OT Security 下载”页面。